A panel of 5 students discussed the "Daar doe ik het voor" ("That's why I'm doing this") campaign from the City of Amsterdam. The take-away? An important cause, but don't speak to students like they're kids.
The 5 question discussion
The 5 panelists – all students living in Amsterdam – filled in a 2-minute survey about the campaign's landing page before the start of the conversation.
Sylvia then used the 5hellos session guide to probe deeper into the answers of the survey:
- How does this page speak to you? Why?
- How relevant is this campaign to you? Why?
- What would you change on this page? Why?
By speaking with 5 students at once, they were able to share their own opinions – while building on each other's ideas, which led to creative, interesting insights. Syvlia noted : "I thought I might have needed to point someone out to speak. But we got a great discussion going."
The outcome?
The info about what you can and cannot do is clear. However, the examples used missed the mark for the students. They also didn't see a link between the campaign at the top of the page, and the COVID-19 rules below.
2 ideas to make it better
- Use more serious examples: As one panelist said “The reason I'm sticking to the rules is not that I want to go to clubbing or organise dinner parties [examples used in the campaign], it's that I don't want people dying, or my parents to get sick.”
- Include student-relevant tips – The page gives only obvious tips ("keep 1.5m distance, yes we know that, if you start with this, you've already lost me"), but handle what to do in more "student situations" like living in a group house.