About our Panel

Join 30 min. conversations and provide input to your favorite brands, the coolest start-ups and public organizations. No prep work needed: Sign-up, join Zoom and talk away.

Meet our panel

As a panelist you...

  • Are curious and open minded
  • Love giving feedback, willing to make things better
  • Value the power of conversation
  • Can easily give your opinion in English (and Dutch)
  • Have time to join a conversation at least 2x per month

How does it work?

Step 1

You sign up as a panelist on our website.

step 2

Fill in the survey you get in your mail.

step 3

Wait till you get an invite in your mail to join a conversation! Voila!

The perks of a 5Hellos panelist

Through 30 minute conversations with other panelists and people working at your favorite companies. Be in the know on how they work and what they’re working on.
Access to our closed online community,with panelists, companies, start-ups etc. sharing experiences, job openings,events and more
Or 10,- in Bol.com credit that you buildup over time

Join our panel.
Or should we say, join our community?

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